Mentoring in Higher Education: Best Practices

Dr. Marcia E. Canton and Dr. David P. James

Order from Canton Associates

(650) 355-0496

Mentoring in Higher Education: Best Practices Workbook

Dr. Marcia E. Canton and Dr. David P. James

Order from Canton Associates

(650) 355-0496

Mentoring Guide for Community Colleges

Dr. Marcia E. Canton and Dr. David P. James

Order from Canton Associates

(650) 355-0496

Mentoring Program CD and DVD Video Series

Dr. Marcia E. Canton and Dr. David P. James

Order from Canton Associates        

(650) 355-0496

Part 1: The Mentoring Process

Even the best of mentor-protégé relationships can get into trouble when people involved have not had the proper training it takes to work together. This video program was created to provide the kinds of instruction that every mentor and protégé needs. 

Part 2: Program Development

Canton and James take an insightful look at the development of planned mentoring programs. The cost of poor quality mentoring programs is substantial. Clearly, improving quality is paramount in the minds of educational administrators. It takes more than awareness and good intentions to make mentoring programs successful. It takes training and a good plan. Program Development provides the fundamentals of implementing an effective mentoring program. 

Part 3: Program Evaluation

Canton and James give you proven, powerful ways to examine the effectiveness of your mentoring program. You will learn accurate ways to pinpoint where your mentoring program excels and where it needs work. You’ll learn the kind of thinking that can help you see your mentoring program from a whole new perspective.

Contact Dr. James at (301) 596-6127 or [email protected] to learn how to harness the POWER of Positive Mentoring.